API Development

REST API Development

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Prices for This Service
  • Landing page – $19 per hour
  • Online store – $29 per hour
  • Website catalog – $39 per hour
  • Business card site – $39 per hour
  • Personal blog – $29 per hour
  • Individual project – $49 per hour

How we do it..

Enterprises seeking a digital edge transform processes, business models and the customer experience by exploiting digital connections.


Our plan is to create pre development data containing the requirements of website such as understanding the purpose of website, target audiencethat focus on acquiring best strategy for project management.


Accuracy of concept building is accomplished by obtaining the sitemap as the planningoutput and providing visualization of siteto judge it’s outlook with the aid ofmock up

Design layout

Enhancement of website’s appearance is achieved by providing visual inputs to represent the information structure, content visualization and the basic functional demonstration to attain the satisfaction of the customer.


Creation of actual website with graphic elements designed during previous stages. Framework and CMS are implemented for smooth installation and setup along with SEO, to achieve higher ranking with our valid coding.


Effective, consistent and constant scrutinization is done to avoid brokenlines if any in a link. Spell checking software’s are utilized to find typos and with the aid of code validators we maintain up-to-date webstandards.


Ultimate stage of delivering the product is rendered with complete satisfaction to the beneficiaries using an FTP. We take utmost care and make sure that each and every file has been perfectly installed for a picture perfect platform.


But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born.

Branding 75%
Web Design 80%
Programming 78%
Customer Support 67%